Friday 28 April 2017

Vintage Ride of an Austin

This time not a drawing but an already existing object turned into a plushie. I've already created different vehicles, but always from kids' drawings. Now I couldn't resist Kate's, my returning customer's request to sew an Austin A30 car for her beloved neighbors in Tasmania.

custom car plushie: an Austin A30

The two guys own a vintage Austin car that was turning 60 years old last year and Kate thought it would be fun to make a stuffed caricature toy of the two of them in this car.

Here are some of my rare werk photos taken while I was turning the Austin into a stuffy version - I felt like a plushie body ironer at work:

how to get inside a stuffed plushie car?!

stuffed passangers waiting patiently

they made it! happy owners looking forward to the first journey in their own toy car

Egy vintage Austin A30, két cuki utas - ez volt Kate meglepetése a szomszédainak, akik imádják meglepni a körülöttük élőket. A fazékkék autó (egykori járművezetés oktatóm megnevezése erre a színre, én ilyen színű Trabantban tanultam vezetni) tavaly ünnepelte a 60. szülinapját - ezért volt fontos a rendszámtábla is:)

see you soon!

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